On the occasion of Trade Unionists’ Day, marked annually on 7 June, the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (CNSM) organised a festive event on Wednesday, June 7,  at the National Botanical Garden “Alexandru Ciubotaru”, bringing together trade unionists from various districts and branches of the national economy to celebrate trade union solidarity and promote trade union values, social equity and decent work.

In his congratulatory message, Igor Zubcu, the President of  CNSM, stressed that trade unions in the Republic of Moldova, united in 24 national-trade union centers, with more than 5,500 grassroots trade unions, with an active membership of about 290,000 trade union members,  daily fulfil their noble mission of promoting, representing and defending the professional, economic, labour and social rights and interests of employees, trade union members.

“Dear trade unionists, on the occasion of our professional day, I would like to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to all those who work within the trade union system and contribute, day by day, with self-dedication, with devotion to the noble mission, to the promotion and defence of the rights and interests of working people, as well as to the veterans of the trade union movement, wishing you good health, prosperity, joy and harmony in your families, respect, professional appreciation and new achievements”, Igor Zubcu stressed.

In his speech, the leader of the trade union movement of the Republic of Moldova referred to several goals of the trade union movement for the future: promoting the establishment of a minimum wage of 50% of the average wage in the economy; promoting the practice of regulating labour relations through collective labour contracts in all establishments, regardless of their type of ownership and legal form of organization; not allowing the liberalization of labour legislation to the detriment of employees’ rights and interests, under the pretext of developing the business environment and investment climate; promoting the most urgent alignment of the national regulatory framework on labour inspection with the provisions of ILO Conventions no. 81 “Concerning Labour Inspection in Industry and Commerce” and No. 129 “Concerning Labour Inspection in Agriculture”.

Other objectives of  CNSM for the next period include: promoting the elaboration and approval of policy documents in the field of combating the informal economy and in the field of occupational safety and health; promoting the continuous improvement of working conditions and the safety and health status of employees at work; promoting the ratification of several ILO standards in order to strengthen the rights and guarantees of employees; strengthening the social partnership in the labour sphere at all levels; promoting the exclusion of the fee for state registration of trade union organisations for obtaining the status of legal person, in order to ensure the right to free association in trade unions.

“Today, when the trade union movement is facing multiple challenges, unity and solidarity, professionalism and commitment of trade unionists are needed, more than ever. Only together and only united will we be able to strengthen the trade union movement in the Republic of Moldova, to ensure freedom of association and respect for the rights and interests of employees-members of trade unions, to contribute to ensuring a decent living and the well-being of working people”, concluded the CNSM President.

Snejana Țurcanu, the head of the Labour Relations and Social Dialogue Policy Directorate, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, was present at the event with a congratulatory message, mentioning the importance of developing social partnership in order to solve the social-economic problems faced by employees and stressed the need to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights, which represents a set of political commitments in the social field.

During a festive ceremony, several trade union leaders and activists, representatives of the national-trade union centres, received diplomas and the CNSM Badge of Honour from the CNSM leadership for outstanding merits in trade union activity.

During the event, the “Plai Moldovenesc” orchestra of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, performed a music recital with a varied cultural program. The event was also attended by several local performers – Nicolae Ciubotaru, Snejana Frija, Nătălița Botnaru, Nelly Ciobanu, Lucia Bejenari, Igor Rusu, who delighted the audience with their beloved melodies and songs.

Trade Unionists’ Day symbolizes the unity and solidarity of the trade union movement in Moldova. This day was established after the merger on 7 June 2007 of the Confederation of Trade Unions and the Confederation of Free Trade Unions “Solidarity”, which created a single national trade union centre – The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova.

Trade Unionists’ Day is representative for the trade unions in our country and means mobilizing solidarity efforts, rethinking the actions of trade unions at all levels, in order to achieve social equity and dignity at work.

For more photos of the Trade Unionist Day event, visit the CNSM Facebook page.