Since The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is celebrated annually across the world on April 28, The National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (CNSM), in cooperation with the National Platform of Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, organized in Chisinau a round table on “Safe and Healthy Working Environment – a Fundamental Right at Work”.

The annual World Day for Safety and Health at work, marked by the International Labour Organization since 2003, by means of organized actions, has been an occasion to bring to public eye issues on Occupational Safety and Health (SSM), the high number of accidents at work and occupational diseases; the need for permanent improvement of working conditions in regard to the safety and health of employees at work; that the promotion of a culture of safety and health at work that would ultimately reduce the annual number of deaths in the workplace, etc. The slogan of this year is “a safe and healthy working environment – a fundamental principle and right at work”.

The event was attended by the CNSM administration, leaders of national-branch trade Union centres, Representatives of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, National Confederation of Employers of the Republic Moldova, International Labour Organization.

The objective of the Round Table was to promote the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases, raising awareness and focusing the attention of the social partners, occupational safety and health (SSM) officers, SSM trends, as well as the attention to the situation in the given field at national level.

In his speech, Igor Zubcu, the President of the CNSM, stressed that the trade unions have permanently placed safety and health at work among the basic objectives of its activity, and has made efforts to improve working conditions and the health and safety of employees at work. The CNSM aims to further advocate for improving the working conditions and the health and safety of employees at work.

“The CNSM joins the „Zero workplace deaths” campaign promoted by European trade unions. It promotes the growth of occupational safety and health training, inspections and sanctions to end workplace deaths by 2030. Also, on this day, with the commemoration of victims of work accidents, we want to draw the attention of employers and employees to the need to change the approach to safety and health at work,” the trade Union leader stressed.

The issues addressed in the discussion panels by the speakers included the following: Ensuring occupational safety and health – a primary right for employees; SSM control and prevention – an essential element to ensure an adequate working environment; The role of the grassroots trade Union organization in ensuring the rights of employees in the field of SSM.

During the round table, a call was adopted containing a series of recommendations aimed at improving the situation in the field of SSM. The call of the participants of the round table “working in safe and healthy conditions – a fundamental right of employees at work” can be accessed here.

We also mention that the event was broadcast live on the CNSM Facebook page and can be accessed here.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, over 500 accidents occur in the workplace every year in the Republic of Moldova. In 2022, there were 562 accidents. At the same time, between 2011-2021, in the Republic of Moldova, more than 30 cases of occupational diseases were registered, because of which more than 40 people were affected. The most common harmful factors that cause occupational illness are vibration (42%), toxic chemicals (25%) and pathogenic germs (20%), and the most exposed to this risk are:  Mechanizes, medical workers and business workers.

The International Day of 28 April is a day dedicated to commemorating those who have lost their lives due to occupational accidents and diseases, and is a day dedicated to promoting occupational safety and health. Since 2010, at the initiative of the trade Union movement, and in the Republic of Moldova, April 28 is officially recognized as “World Day for Safety and Health at work”.