The National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (CNSM) has launched today, March 28, in Chisinau, the national campaign “Grassroots Trade Union – the energy of the trade union movement”. The main goal of the campaign is to strengthen the role of grassroot trade union in ensuring the rights and guarantees of the employees that are trade union members.

The launch event was attended by the CNSM management, leaders of national-branch trade Union centers, managers of grassroots trade unions and trade union activists, and social partners, as well.

In his welcome speech, Igor Zubcu, the President of the CNSM, pointed out the fact that during the IVth Congress of the Confederation, held on June 3, 2022, the strategic priorities of the trade Union movement were established for the years 2022-2027, including  strengthening the role of the grassroots trade Union organizations,  that represent the foundation of the trade Union movement. The CNSM president stressed that “It is of utmost importance  for us to see, at the end of this campaign, major achievements and real changes produced for the benefit of each Union member” .

Moreover,  the trade Union leader emphasized the need to involve the entire trade Union movement in promoting the campaign. Hence, the President of  CNSM has referred to the recent achievements of the Confederation and the priorities outlined in the field of social and economic protection of employees, trade Union members, as well as the development of cooperation relations with social partners and international organizations.

Welcome speeches were also delivered by Corina Ajder, State Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Leonid Cerescu, President of the National Confederation of employers of the Republic of Moldova, and Ala Lipciu, national coordinator of the International Labour Organization.

 During the discussion panels held during the even, the speakers referred to the activity of grassroots trade Union organizations and the challenges they face, as well as the opinions of the leaders of national-branch trade unions on the development of the grassroots trade unions, including  the current problems faced by the trade unionists.

The “Grassroots trade union – the energy of the Trade Union movement” campaign will be held during 2023. In order to contribute to the development of trade Union organizations and their capacity strenthening, a series of workshops, regional seminars, and meetings of trade Union activists will be organized at territorial level. A study will also be carried out  to assess the activity of grassroots trade unions .

At the same time, CNSM has developed the “Guide of the grassroots trade union leader” which includes information on trade Union rights and labor law, social partnership, social-economic protection, occupational safety and health, trade Union management, and financial activity. The guide is a practical tool to help strengthening the capacities of grassroots trade unions leaders.

The campaign will end by November, 2023, with a festive ceremony, a gala of grassroots trade unions that  took part in the contest  “the activity of grasroots trade unions”. During the event,  the most successful practices of the grassroots trade unions  will be assessed, as well as the results achieved in the process of promoting the rights and interests of employees at the unit level.

It is also worth mentioning that on Wednesday, March 29, the campaign “grassroots trade union– the energy of the trade Union movement” will be launched in Balti, where about 70 people from the trade Union organizations in the northern area will participate. On Thursday, March 30, the campaign will reach the southern area of Cahul, where about 70 people will also participate.

The campaign “grassroots trade union–the energy of trade union movement” is carried out in the context of CNSM’s  proclamation of 2023, as the year of the grassroots trade unions. There are more than 5000 grassroots trade unions in the Republic of Moldova.

For more photos of the launch of the campaign “the grassroots trade unions– the energy of Trade Union movement” in Chisinau, please access  the Facebook page of CNSM.