Members of the Confederal Board of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) paid a working visit to Budapest (Hungary) on 6 February, where they met with representatives of the Hungarian Confederation of Trade Unions – the largest trade union organisation in Hungary, representing the interests of more than 90 thousand employees in various branches.

Discussions focused on the prospects for the development of bilateral relations, the priorities of the trade union movement in the two countries, cooperation between the social partners, the situation on the labour market, the role of trade unions in the process of European integration of our country and the experience of Hungarian trade unionists in this regard.

Igor Zubcu, President of the CNSM, spoke about the Confederation’s Strategy for 2022-2027 and the achievement of the 5 basic objectives aimed at strengthening the organizational capacities of the trade union movement, respecting the rights of trade unions to defend the interests of its members, developing social partnership at all levels, effective protection and social security of trade union members, promoting decent work.

During the visit, trade unionists exchanged views on the social and economic situation faced by employees, trade union members, in various branches, how the Conventions of the International Labour Organization are implemented, the situation in terms of consultations and collective bargaining, the existing problems in the field of occupational safety and health, and the compliance with labour legislation.

The parties discussed the work of the trade union confederations in both countries, the results achieved in recent years and the challenges facing the trade union movement at the present stage.

They also discussed strategies for recruiting new trade union members, trade union education policies implemented by the two confederations in terms of training and education of trade union members, the work of trade union structures at territorial level and of women’s and youth trade union structures.

The Confederation of Hungarian Trade Unions was established in 2013 through the merger of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions (ASZSZ) and the National Confederation of Hungarian Trade Unions (MSZOSZ). The Confederation of Hungarian Trade Unions is affiliated to the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).