Members of the National Commission for Consultations and Collective Bargaining (CNCNC) met on Wednesday 28 June at the Ministry of Health. Two main issues discussed by the social partners concerned the examination of the proposal to increase salaries in local budgetary units by 1,300 lei in the draft Government Decision on amending the State Budget Law for 2023 and the examination of the draft law on amending Article 43 of Law No. 200/2010 on the regime of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova.

Representatives of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) noted with concern the uncertainty related to the monthly allowance of 1300 lei, that trade union members working in local public authorities (APL) would not be able to benefit from.

 Trade unionists also expressed worry that low-paid employees will not benefit from the increase of their monthly salary up to 4000 lei, which is the amount of the minimum wage in the country and is a minimum state guarantee in the field of wages.

The trade unionists were also concerned about the information that in some LPAs, due to insufficient financial resources, the payment of the bonus for the accumulation of professions (functions) or for the performance of work obligations of the temporarily absent employee could be suspended in connection with the insufficiency of financial means to grant it, which is unacceptable and violates the rights of employees, who, in addition to their basic work,  perform the obligations of temporarily absent staff.

In this context, CNSM calls for prompt intervention of the Government of the Republic of Moldova to ensure compliance with the provisions of the legal framework and implementation of the measures provided for by Law No 270/2018 on the unitary system of wages in the budgetary sector for all employees in the budgetary sector, by granting the necessary allowances in this regard. We recall that on 31 January this year, by letter No. 03-01/71, CNSM requested the intervention of the Ministry of Finance in order to grant the necessary allowances to LPAs.

The above-mentioned subject, on which the representatives of trade unionists in the public services and education sectors have presented their views, is to be examined at the next meeting of CNCNC, scheduled for mid-July 2023.

In addition, according to the information presented at the meeting, the draft law amending Article 43 of the Law No. 200/2010 on the regime of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova aims to liberalize access to the national labour market for EU citizens (the information note to the draft refers to the Plan of measures to be implemented due to the Republic of Moldova’s obtaining the status of candidate country in EU members) and for countries other than EU members, without the need to grant the right of temporary residence for work purposes.

According to the information note, the list of non-EU countries will be decided by the Government, taking into account cooperation and friendly relations, low migration risk (readmission agreements concluded), investment agreements on strategic investment projects and other grounds, migration flows from these countries, quality/qualification of the labour force, etc.

During the meeting, the social partners exchanged views on the subject and presented their vision on the liberalisation of access to the national labour market for citizens of other countries.

It is recalled that the National Commission for Consultations and Collective Bargaining, and the committees established at branch/territorial level, are autonomous tripartite structures of public interest of the social partnership, which meet to consult and submit proposals on labour and social-economic issues of national, branch and territorial interest, promote social partnership at all levels, ensure the participation of civil society in the promotion of national policies.

The video recording of the meeting of the National Commission for Consultations and Collective Bargaining on June 28, 2023, can be accessed here.