Representatives of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), the National Employers’ Confederation of the Republic of Moldova (CNPM) and the UN Resident Coordinator in the Republic of Moldova, Yesim Oruc, met on Tuesday, March 18, to discuss the evolution and strengthening of social dialogue in the country. This meeting reaffirmed the importance of a strong social dialogue for the economic and social development of the Republic of Moldova, in line with international labor standards.
During the meeting, Igor Zubcu, President of the CNSM, expressed his gratitude for the support provided by the UN through various projects focused on promoting social dialogue, protecting workers’ rights, social inclusion and strengthening social partnership.
The trade union leader communicated about the work and achievements of the Confederation, the issues that are on the priority agenda of the CNSM – solving the problem of salary arrears of the state enterprise “Calea Ferata din Moldova”, the urgent need to increase the minimum wage in the country, increasing the rate of collective bargaining coverage at the national level, increasing social guarantees for workers, combating cases of interference in trade union activity, improving the situation in the field of occupational health and safety, the position of the CNSM on the work of temporary employment agents, the CNSM’s concerns regarding the introduction of amendments to the Labour Code that infringe the workers’ rights.
In his turn, Leonid Cerescu, President of the CNPM, emphasized the employers’ commitments to improve the business environment, increase the transparency of decision-making processes, fight corruption and excessive bureaucracy. At the same time, he emphasized the importance of cooperation between trade unions and employers to increase the minimum wage.
Yesim Oruc, UN Resident Coordinator, reconfirmed the commitment of UN to strengthening social dialogue and the tripartite system, underlining the progress made by the social partners and the need to adapt rapidly to the changes in the global labor sphere.
Ala Lipciu, Country Coordinator of the International Labour Organization (ILO), praised the fruitful cooperation between the ILO and the social partners, reaffirming the organization’s support for the development of social dialogue in the Republic of Moldova.
The parties also discussed the role of the social partners in the process of accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union, the transposition of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on adequate minimum wages in the European Union, the social partners’ activity within the National Commission for Consultation and Collective Bargaining and the EU-Republic of Moldova Civil Society Platform, the opportunity of creating the Economic and Social Committee in the Republic of Moldova, the promotion and implementation of ILO Conventions, the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
In this context, it is worth mentioning that the new Decent Work Country Programme for the Republic of Moldova for the years 2025 – 2027 emphasizes a better social dialogue, a better labor market dynamic, and a sustainable social protection system.