On the eve of the World Education Day and Teachers’ Day, traditionally celebrated on 5 October, Trade Unions Federation of Education and Science (FSEȘ) organised on Wednesday, 2 October, in the premises of the Labour Institute, a meeting of the active trade union to celebrate the work of employees, trade union members, but also to reiterate the demands on the urgent need to increase wages so that the salaries of employees in education and research are equal to the average wage in the national economy.

The activity was attended by the leadership of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, the National Institute for Education and Leadership.

FSES President Ghenadie Donos delivered a congratulatory message on the occasion of World Education Day and Teachers’ Day. The trade union leader expressed his deep gratitude for the work done by education and research professionals who, on a daily basis, make substantial efforts to contribute to the development of the education system at the national level and to the training of new generations.

At the same time, Ghenadie Donos, President of FSES, reported on the process of consultations and negotiations with the relevant Ministry, the Government of the Republic of Moldova, in order to find solutions as soon as possible for the salary increase repeatedly requested by FSES.

Igor Zubcu, President of the CNSM, Sergiu Sainciuc, Vice-President of the CNSM, and Lilia Franț, Vice-President of the CNSM, addressed the education trade unionists at the meeting with congratulatory messages. The CNSM leadership appreciated the work done by the sector’s employees and the efforts made by education trade unionists to improve working conditions and salary levels and to promote important issues on the agenda of the education community.

“We have appealed to Prime Minister Dorin Recean to increase salaries in education and research. We need salary increases today to better motivate teachers, including young specialists. We have discussed this with the Ministry of Finance. It is important to take concrete steps, to have concrete targets for salary increases. We stand in solidarity with education trade unionists and fight for their rights and interests”, emphasised Igor Zubcu, President of CNSM. The text of the speech is available here.

According to the FSES trade unionists, despite the salary increases implemented at the beginning of this year, the average salary in education is more than three thousand lei lower than the average salary in the economy, which is now 13170 lei. The trade unionists expressed their hope that the authorities would make a decision on the salary increases in the system by the professional day.

During the meeting, as a token of appreciation for their fruitful work in the education system, several education trade union leaders received diplomas of merit from the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, the Trade Union Federation of Education and Science, and the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova.

During today’s meeting, the participants were also informed about the amendment of the legal framework to combat the phenomenon of violence in educational institutions, in particular against teachers.

World Education Day and Teachers’ Day have been celebrated every year on 5 October since 1994. Education transforms lives and is at the heart of UNESCO’s mission to build peace, eradicate poverty and promote sustainable development.