Thousands of trade unionists from across Europe marched to the European institutions in Brussels (Belgium) today, 12 December, in protest at plans to start the austerity programme planned for next year. The protest action was organised by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).

Lilia Franț, Vice-President of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), who is currently in the Belgian capital where the 33rd General Council meeting of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) is taking place, participated in the activity as a sign of solidarity with the trade unionists gathered at the protest action in Brussels, together with trade union leaders from various European trade union organisations.

The demonstration called by the European Trade Union Confederation is part of a wider campaign calling for a “fair deal for workers” and comes at a time when European ministers and MEPs are negotiating a reform of EU economic governance rules.

Under the current draft proposal being discussed by EU officials, 14 member states will be forced to cut €45bn from their budgets next year, according to ETUC calculations based on European Commission data.

More information about today’s ETUC protest action and the trade unionists’ demands can be found on the ETUC website:

Please note that the CNSM has been a member of the ETUC since October 2022. The European Trade Union Confederation is the main trade union organisation representing workers at European level. The ETUC was founded in 1973 and includes more than 90 trade union organisations with over 45 million trade union members.