
The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) elected today, June 3, its new leadership, for a term of 5 years, during the 4th Congress of CNSM. Following the vote, Igor Zubcu was elected president of CNSM, and Sergiu Sainciuc and Lilia Franț were elected vice-presidents of the Confederation. At the same time, Iurie Pojoga was elected president of the CNSM Censors Commission.

The Congress was attended by delegates, representatives of the National-Branch Trade Union Centers, national social partners and trade unionists from international organizations. The Congress discussed the activity report of the governing bodies of CNSM in order to achieve the Strategy for the years 2017-2022 and the objectives for the years 2022-2027. At the same time, delegates adopted a number of important documents for the trade union movement.

“The Trade Union movement in Moldova, since its establishment until now, has played an important role in the restructuring and democratization of society. The sense of solidarity and reformatory behavior are characteristic of authentic leaders. These qualities are mainly manifested in the process of defending the professional, economic and social rights and interests of employees, members of the trade union. During the period between congresses, the CNSM applied new forms and working methods in accordance with the requirements of national and international normative acts, as well as with the needs of time. The pandemic has endangered and changed, but has not stopped the day-to-day activity of trade unions. The Confederation continued the consolidation of the trade union institution, maintaining its overall position in the civil society,” said Igor Zubcu, president of the CNSM, in a message addressed to the delegates at the 4th Congress.

Delegates to the 4th Congress of the CNSM participated in the debates, during which they communicated about the problems they face in the field of education, public administration, culture, the real sector, and discussed the strategic objectives of the CNSM for the next 5 years.

Thus, during the Congress, the delegates adopted the CNSM Strategy for 2022-2027 which is developed around 5 general objectives and structured on 13 directions of activity, which refer to the observance of fundamental human rights and the institutional development of trade unions.

The 5 general objectives of CNSM for the next five years are: 1. to promote a decent living and the principles of decent work; 2. effective labor and social security protection for trade union members; 3. ensuring the observance of the rights of trade union members; 4. maintaining and developing the social partnership at all levels; 5. strengthening and developing the trade union movement, guaranteeing trade union democracy.

At the same time, the directions of activity in which the specific objectives for the next period are established are: 1. protection of the salaries and incomes of the population; 2. employment and protection on the labor market, combating the informal economy; 3. social security; 4. social dialogue; 5. trade union rights and labor law; 6. occupational safety and health; 7. institutional strengthening and development; 8. youth strategies; 9. ensuring gender equality in the trade union; 10. continuing trade union education and training; 11. international collaboration; 12. information activity; 13. financial and patrimonial policy.

Also, the delegates to the 4th Congress of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova adopted a Declaration in which they commented on the socio-economic situation in the Republic of Moldova and came up with a series of proposals that will be submitted to the social partners.

“The delegates of the 4th Congress of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, representatives of 24 national-branch trade union centers, note with concern that respect for the fundamental rights of employees, union members, remains a problem. Employees and their families continue to face poverty and cannot ensure a decent standard of living from their earned income”, the statement said. The full declaration of the Fourth Congress of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova can be accessed here:

We mention that the CNSM Congress is the supreme governing body of the Confederation. The ordinary congress is convened by the decision of the General Council once every 5 years. The General Council shall establish the agenda of the Congress at least three months before the date of its holding.

With other information about the results of the 4th Congress of the CNSM and the topics addressed by the trade unionists, we will return to the Confederation’s website.

Department of mass – media and international relations