This week, during the visit to Berlin, Germany, to the 15th Congress of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), held on 23-26 May, Igor Zubcu, President of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), met with His Excellency, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Germany, Aureliu Ciocoi.

Ghenadie Donos, President of the Trade Union Federation of Education and Science, and Margareta Strestian, President of the Federation of Chemical and Energy Workers’ Unions of the Republic of Moldova, attended the meeting.

The parties discussed the work of the trade union movement, its role in German and Moldovan society, the importance of the CNSM’s membership in the European Trade Union Confederation.

The meeting also addressed issues of importance, such as the process of Moldova’s accession to the European Union and the role of trade union movement, the situation of Moldovan citizens on the labour market in Germany, including the problems they face and how their rights are respected.

Igor Zubcu, President of CNSM, highly appreciated the constructive dialogue with His Excellency, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Germany, Aureliu Ciocoi, stressing the importance of trade unions active role in the process of Europeanisation of the country.