More than 50 women trade unionists from various districts of the Republic of Moldova and branches of the national economy participated on May 25-26,  2023 to the Forum of the Women’s Commission of National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) under the title “Trade Union Women for a Better Life”, which was held on May 25-26, 2023, at Vadul lui Voda.

The forum was attended by Lilia Franț, vice-president of Women’s Commission leadership of National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, Laura Olteanu, president of the National Women’s Commission of “Cartel ALFA” in Romania, including a group of colleagues from “Cartel ALFA”, Mihaela Duminică Dănuța, vice-president of the Women’s Organisation (OFEM) of the National Trade Union Bloc (BNS) in Romania, Aurelia Pucă, vice-president of the OFEM of  BNS.

The event was also attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health, the National Health Insurance Company, and the EU-Republic of Moldova Civil Society Platform.

Lilia Franț, vice-president of National Trade Union Confederation, pointed out that the present activity is a good opportunity for women trade unionists to exchange experiences on the protection of women’s rights with their Romanian colleagues, including addressing various practices successfully implemented in the European Union in the field of decent work and other subjects of interest to women trade unionists from both countries.

Liuba Rotaru, the chairwoman of the Women’s Commission of National Trade Union Confederation, highlighted the two priorities of the commission – the social and economic protection of women trade unionists and their health, promoted at all levels. The trade unionist also referred to the work of Women’s Commission, the actions planned for the next period, urging the participants of the forum to continue to be active, in solidarity, to solve the social-economic problems faced by women in society.

The Forum of Women’s Commission of National Trade Union Confederation of Moldovaaddressed a number of issues and subjects on the agenda of women trade unionists, such as social and economic protection of women, access to quality health services, promotion of equal opportunities, combating gender-based violence, cooperation between social partners in promoting the rights and defending the interests of women in the Republic of Moldova.

Amongst the topics discussed are the achievements in the field of health insurance, changes in the legislation, the features of the budget of the National Health Insurance Company for 2023, achievements in the field of health at national level, and the role of women in public life.

The women trade unionists attended a training session moderated by Olesea Frunze, national trainer, PhD, providing effective conflict management techniques and various methods of conflict resolution.

The Women’s Commission is a structure of the National Trade Union Confederation, which aims to protect the professional, economic and social rights of women trade union members by: monitoring compliance with the legislation in force for the protection of women’s social and labor rights; actively participating in the implementation of trade union policies; collaborating with state structures and civil society, through joint efforts, in order to strengthen the environment conducive to democratic change, building a society with equal rights and opportunities for women and men.