Member Organisations > Member Organisations

Ghenadie DONOS, president

Trade Union Federation of Education and Science of Moldova

Igor ZUBCU, president

Trade Union Federation of Moldova “SĂNĂTATEA”

Vlad CANȚÎR, president

Trade Union Federation of Public Services Employees of Moldova “SINDASP”

Mihail LAȘCU, president

Federation of Trade Unions of Moldova “SINDLEX”

Vasile MĂMĂLIGĂ, president

National Trade Union Federation of Agriculture and Food of Moldova „AGROINDSIND”

Nicolae GARAZ, president

Trade Union Federation of Workers from Culture of Moldova

Ecaterina MANASTÎRSCHI, president

Trade Union Federation of Workers in Social Services and Production of Moldova “SINDINDCOMSERVICE”

Margareta STRESTIAN, president

Trade Union Federation of Chemical Industry and Energy Resources Workers of Moldova

Ion ZAPOROJAN, president

Trade Union Federation of Railway Workers of Moldova

Elizaveta IURCU, president

Federation of Trade Unions in Communication of Moldova

Victoria NIȚĂ, president

Trade Union Federation of Energy Workers of Moldova

Victor TALMACI, president

Trade Union Federation of Constructions and Industry of Construction Materials of Moldova “SINDICONS”

Oleg ONICI, acting president

Trade Union Federation of Workers in Banking and Insurance Institutions of Moldova

Petru LUNGU, president

Trade Union Federation of Transport and Road Workers of Moldova

Veaceslav RUFALA, president

Trade Union Federation of Energy and Industry of Moldova

Valeria TRICOLICI, president

Trade Union Federation in the field of Consumers’ Cooperative, Trade and Entrepreneurship of Moldova “MOLDSINDCOOPCOMERŢ”

Ghenadie GRUBÎI, president

Trade Union Federation of Forestry of Moldova “SINDSILVA”

Diana ROMANCIUC, president

Trade Union Federation of Workers of Trade, Public Food, Consumers’ Cooperative, Services, Restaurants and Hotels of Moldova “SindLUCAS”

Petru IOVU, president

Trade Union Federation of Air Transport of Moldova “SINDTRANSAERO”

Nadejda RUSNAC, president

Trade Union Federation of Workers from Light Industry of Moldova

Iurie PLEȘCO, president

Trade Union Federation of Machine and Devices Building and Vocational Education of Moldova “SINDRĂUTMAŞ”

Tamara BODNARI, president

Trade Union Federation “Moldova-business-sind”

Boris BABICI, president

Trade Union Federation of Workers from Building Automobile and Agricultural Machinery Industry of Moldova
Trade Union Federation of Workers from Cadaster, Geology and Geodesy of Moldova “SINDGEOCAD”