A new edition of the Job Fair, organized by the National Agency for Employment, was held today, 19 September 2024, in Chisinau, in the premises of the Palace of the Republic, where 60 employers offered over 3000 jobs.

Present at the event with an information stand, representatives of the CNSM presented to the visitors information about the work and role of trade unions in the process of defending the rights and interests of employees, promoted the principles of decent work and communicated about the dangers and risks to which those who accept to work in the informal economy or choose to receive wages “in the envelope” could be subjected.

Trade unionists also provided visitors with useful information materials on the benefits of trade union membership, the provisions of labour law, including International Labour Organization Conventions, information on social security, pensions, and allowances.

During the event, employers, working in different branches of the economy: services, trade, transport and storage, manufacturing, health and social care, public administration and compulsory social security, construction, presented their vacancies to visitors.

Jobseekers had the opportunity to negotiate directly with employers on job vacancies and their conditions of employment, presented their CVs to employers in order to set possible job interviews.