About 50 young trade unionists, representatives of national and regional trade union centers, are participating in the 11th edition of the Forum of the Youth Committee of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), entitled “The role of young people in the society”, which takes place on May 24-25, in the premises of the “Perlele Nistrului” Rest and Recovery Houses in Vadul lui Voda.

The key objective of the forum is to raise the awareness of young people about their labor, social and economic rights. At the same time, this activity has several specific objectives: to increase the participation of young people in the process of disseminating information about their rights in the world of work; to contribute to reducing the vulnerability of young people on the labor market by providing information about their rights as future employees.

During the Forum, problems faced by young people in the Republic of Moldova are addressed and solutions identified. Forum participants learn about the benefits of trade union membership, the role of trade unions in defending and promoting the rights and interests of young employees, the objectives and priorities of the CNSM in the field of youth policies.

In opening the activity, Igor Zubcu, President of CNSM, emphasized that the Forum is a good platform for debate, which can facilitate the exchange of experience, identify solutions to the problems faced by young people, strengthen the community of young trade unionists and stimulate young people’s participation in trade union activities.

“Young people are a key element in the democratic evolution of civil society, they are the engine of change and the future of trade union movement. More than a quarter of trade union membership is made up of young union members. Thus, youth issues and youth policies are always among the priorities of the CNSM and are constantly promoted in the process of consultations and collective bargaining with the social partners at all levels”, said the CNSM President.

The trade union leader referred in his speech to the achievements of the CNSM in the recent period in the field of social-economic protection of employees, including young specialists and their families, among which the following were listed:

– as of January 1, 2024, the amount of the minimum wage in the country constitutes 5000 lei, which represents an increase by 25%;

– as of January 1, 2024, the one-time childbirth allowance has been increased to 20000 lei (about 1000 Euro);

– at the proposal of  trade unions, as of January 1, 2024, the monthly allowance for raising a child up to the age of 3 is calculated from the insured income of one of the spouses, which will result in a higher amount of the allowance;

– starting January 1, 2024, in the Tax Code, in the category of non-taxable income, the payments received by employees for the purpose of compensating the costs of alternative childcare services for children up to 3 years of age, in the amount of 2500 lei per month for each child, as well as gifts, including vouchers, received by employees, those given for children on the occasion of non-working holidays and birthdays of employees, have been included in the category of non-taxable income;

– following the trade unions’ addresses on the support of young specialists in the national economy, it was envisaged to grant, as of July 1, 2024, one-time allowances to young graduates, who are employed, by the Ministry of Culture, in the first 3 years of their employment, through the allocation of the Ministry of Culture.

“We want young people to stay and work in the country, and for this we must provide them with decent wages, safe and inoffensive working conditions, development prospects, facilities for obtaining loans on preferential terms, etc. I urge you to be active, to be promoters of trade union values in your work collectives, to help other young people to know their rights and guarantees in the field of labor, to fight for a fairer world of work. I encourage you to put forward concrete proposals based on the real needs of young people, and the CNSM will strive to promote your demands through the social partnership system”, emphasized Igor Zubcu, President of the CNSM.

Sergiu Sainciuc, vice-president of the CNSM, and Lilia Franț, vice-president of the Confederation, also came with messages of greetings, emphasizing the role of young people in the development of the trade union movement, the importance of youth participation in the processes aimed at achieving the objectives of European integration, and the strengthening of young people in trade unions.

In her turn, Veronica Munteanu, Vice President of the Youth Committee of CNSM, emphasized that this Forum is an important platform for young trade unionists, an opportunity to exchange experiences and discuss burning issues for young people, to further develop the community of young trade unionists.

In the two days of the Forum, young trade unionists participate in various interactive activities, thematic trainings, where the art of negotiation is discussed – techniques and strategies, strategies, safety and health at work – first aid, psychology and other topics of interest to young people.. Guided by the forum’s trainers, Sergiu Suruceanu, vice-president of the Trade Union Federation of Workers in Social Services and Production of Moldova “SINDINDCOMSERVICE”, Ion Paladiciuc, doctor, first aid instructor, Viorica Ursu, doctor, psychologist-psychotherapist, young people will work in groups and will carry out various projects based on home topics that will be later discussed at the Forum.. We specify that the Youth Committee Forum of the CNSM „Young people’s role in society” is organized with the support of the Danish Agency for Trade Union Development and the New Democracy Fund.

The Youth Committee within the CNSM has the following tasks: implementing the youth policy of the CNSM; strengthening the action unit of young trade unionists in order to protect young people, trade union members; elaboration and submission of proposals to improve the legislative and normative framework in the field of youth, etc.