
President of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), Igor Zubcu spoke today, June 8, from the central tribune of the 110th session of the International Labor Conference, organized by the International Labor Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, about the efforts of the social partners in the Republic of Moldova in the field of social and economic protection of the population.

The trade union leader referred to the relaunch of the work of the National Commission for Collective Consultation and Bargaining, the challenges faced by the social partners at the current stage and the objectives for the next period.

“Through joint efforts, the social partners of the Republic of Moldova have managed to relaunch the work of the National Commission for Consultations and Collective Bargaining, including signing in October 2021 a new country program on decent work between ILO and Republic of Moldova for the years 2021-2024, contributing to inclusive and productive employment for young people, effective protection at work and effective social dialogue. In this way, I would like to thank the ILO for its technical assistance and support for improving the national legal framework and promoting the principles of decent work in the Republic of Moldova”.

“Together with the employers and the Government, we have managed to increase and equalize the minimum wages for both the public and private sectors, so as to ensure purchasing power in the conditions of alarmingly rising inflation due to the energy crisis and the armed conflict in the neighboring country. The next step is to change the legal framework for setting a minimum wage in the country, which we Trade Unions propose to be established through collective bargaining. Without ensuring a continuous increase in wages, we will not be able to prevent the exodus of the population from the country and contribute to reducing poverty.”

Watch the full speech of CNSM President Igor Zubcu in video format by accessing this link.

You can also access the speech in text format by accessing this link.

We would like to outline that between 5-10 June, Igor Zubcu, president of CNSM, and Sergiu Sainciuc, vice-president of CNSM, participates at the 110th session of the ILO International Labor Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Conference discusses several reports on the world of work, respect for labor rights in different regions of the world, recommendations on decent work, safety and health at work, the future of work.

Department of mass-media and international relations