The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (is a national interbranch trade union center which meets on voluntary basis national-branch trade union centers and is independent of public authorities, parties and other socio-political organizations, employers’ associations and public organizations, and shall not be subject to their control and subordination.
The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova consists of/:
National-branch trade union centers
Grassroots trade unions
Trade union members
The trade union members are represented by employees from different fields, like education and science, food and agriculture, social services and goods production, communication, construction, light industry, consumer cooperation, entrepreneurship and trade, chemical industry and energy resources, as well as representatives of Cultural field or Internal Affairs, state institutions , etc.
Since February 2010, CNSM has become a member of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), which brings together 332 national trade Union centers in 163 countries and regions with a total number of 200 million members.
The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova has also become in October 2022, a member of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) – the main trade Union organization representing workers at European level. ETUC was founded in 1973 and includes more than 90 trade Union organizations, comprising more than 45 million trade Union members.
The fundamental principles that the Confederation promotes are democracy, freedom, equity, independence, solidarity, and the rule of law, transparency, equal rights and opportunities.
The main purposes of the Confederation are: representing and protecting the social-economic, professional, labor, collective and individual rights and interests of trade union members, at national level ; updating and developing social dialogue and social partnership; progressive realization of social justice and dignity at work; strengthening trade unions at all levels enhancing the role of the civil society ;
The Confederation is committed to achieving its stated goals by: negotiating and concluding collective agreements at national level; representation of member organizations on equal terms with the social partners in the administration of the state social security budget, health insurance funds, unemployment insurance, etc.; taking part in the development of legislative initiatives with a view to bringing national legislation into line with international labor standards and compliance with the mandatory general conditions that any legislative or regulatory act must meet; providing legal assistance and defending the collective and individual interests of its members at all levels, including the courts; monitoring compliance with the Conventions of the International Labor Organization ratified by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova.
The CNSM was established on June 7, 2007, through the merger of 2 national inter-branch trade Union centers: The Confederation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Moldova and Confederation of Free Trade Unions of the Republic of Moldova “Solidaritate”.
The Anthem of the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova
You can see the CNSM Hymn here.
Download the text of the CNSM Anthem here.
CNSM logo
CNSM logo here.
Monochrome CNSM logo here.
CNSM leaflet here.
Management of the CNSM

- The Confederal Committee shall conduct its activity in accordance with the Rules approved by the General Council and shall meet whenever necessary, but not less frequently than once every three months.
- The Confederal Committee shall decide by a simple majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise expressly provided for in the Articles of Association, provided that at least 2/3 of the representatives of the member organizations entitled to vote attend the meeting.
- If the meeting fails to achieve the majority provided for in paragraph (2), a new meeting shall be convened, which shall be deliberative in the presence of at least half plus one of the members of the Confederal Committee.
- The date, the place and the agenda of the meeting of the Confederal Committee shall be determined by the President of the Confederation.
- At the request of at least 1/3 of the members of the Confederal Committee, whose member organizations represent at least 1/4 of the trade union membership of the Confederation, the Confederal Committee shall be convened, as a matter of urgency, on a date to be determined in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Confederal Committee.
- If it is not possible to hold a meeting of the Confederal Committee in accordance with the Articles of Association due to a justifiable impediment, the President of the CNSM (National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova) shall determine another way of holding the meeting.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) and (6), in the event of a justifiable impediment making it impossible to hold the meeting of the Confederal Committee, the meeting shall be convened within 30 days at the latest from the date of removal of the impediment.
- The Confederal Committee shall be the governing body of the Confederation between meetings of the General Council.
- The Confederal Committee:
- defines the Confederation’s positions on current national and international trade union issues;
- carries out the resolutions and decisions of the Congress, the General Council, drawing up concrete action plans;
- convenes the Extraordinary Congress under the conditions laid down in these Articles of Association;
- examines applications for affiliation from national branch trade union centers;
- examines draft Collective Labor Agreements (national level), appoints the Confederation’s representatives to the National Commission for Consultations and Collective Bargaining, to other working bodies within the social partnership;
- jointly manages with the social partners the means of the state social security budget and administers the national funds created with the contribution of employees;
- possesses, uses and disposes of the assets of the Confederation, without the right to alienate or pledge them, except as delegated by the General Council for this purpose;
- decides to launch protest actions;
- coordinates the work of the Women’s Commission, the Youth Commission, the Education Council, the Trade Union Labor Inspectorate, and other trade union structures created, adopts their organizational and operational regulations;
- submits annual reports to the General Council;
- approves the structure and staffing of the Confederation’s administration;
- exercises other powers delegated by the General Council;
- grants to the President of the Confederation such powers as it deems necessary.
- The General Council shall be composed of:
- representatives of the member organizations, according to the number of trade union members and the amount of their subscriptions in the year preceding the ordinary Congress to the Confederation;
- the President and the Vice-Presidents of the Confederation;
- the Chairperson of the Women’s Committee and the Chairperson of the Youth Committee.
- Representatives of member organizations shall be mandated / reappointed by their authorized elective bodies.
- The General Council shall be convened in meetings of the Confederal Committee whenever necessary, but not less frequently than twice a year.
- The General Council shall be considered deliberative if it is attended by at least 2/3 of the representatives of the member organizations entitled to vote.
- The General Council shall adopt decisions by a simple majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise expressly provided in the Articles of Association.
- If the meeting does not reach the majority provided for in paragraph (2), a new meeting of the General Council shall be convened within 15 calendar days, which shall be deliberative with the presence of at least half plus one of its members.
- The date, the place and the agenda of the meeting of the General Council shall be determined, as a rule, by the Confederal Committee.
- By way of derogation from paragraph (1), the General Council shall be convened by the President of the Confederation at the request of the competent bodies of at least 1/3 of the member organizations representing at least 1/4 of the trade union membership of the Confederation.
- If it is not possible to hold a meeting of the General Council in accordance with these Articles of Association due to a justifiable impediment, the Confederal Committee of the CNSM (National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova) shall determine another way of holding the meeting.
- By way of derogation from paragraph (1) and (7), in the event of a justifiable impediment making it impossible to hold a meeting of the General Council, the General Council shall be convened within 45 days from the date on which the impediment is removed.
- The General Council represents the governing body between congresses and shall operate on the basis of its own Rules of Procedure.
- General Council:
- decides on general matters concerning the Confederation’s activity, determines trade union policies for the implementation of the strategies and action programme established by the Congress;
- amends and supplements the Articles of Association by at least 2/3 vote of the total number of members of the General Council;
- approves the rules of organization and functioning of the General Council, the Confederal Committee and the Censors Commission;
- validates the credentials of the members of the General Council mandated by the member organizations of the Confederation;
- in the event of a vacancy in office, elects the members of the Censors Commission, within a maximum of 90 calendar days, other persons to continue the term of office of their predecessors. It shall dismiss the members of the Censors’ Commission in the event of non-compliance with the Articles of Association of the Confederation, or the commission of acts which, by their effect, may damage the interests and image of the Confederation, justified on legal grounds;
- adopts and amends the annual budget of the Confederation, determines the amount of the membership fee;
- in the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, elects the Vice-Presidents of the Confederation and the Chairperson of the Censors Commission within a maximum of 90 calendar days, other persons to continue the term of office of the predecessor(s).
- revokes the President, the Vice-Presidents of the Confederation, the Chairperson of the Censors Commission in case of non-compliance with the Articles of Association of the Confederation, committing acts which, by their effect, may damage the interests and image of the Confederation, legally justified;
- approves between congresses, if necessary, on the proposal of the President of the Confederation or on the proposal of the competent bodies of at least 1/3 of the member organizations, representing at least 1/4 of the trade union membership of the Confederation, additional vice-president positions;
- shall rule, if necessary, on the correctness of the decisions of the Confederal Committee and the provisions of the President of the Confederation;
- interprets, on request, the Articles of Association and the regulations of the Confederation’s structures;
- decides on the affiliation / withdrawal of the Confederation to / from international trade union organizations;
- owns, uses and disposes of the assets of the Confederation and manages its special funds;
- delegates to the Confederal Committee such powers as it deems necessary.
- The Congress represents the supreme governing body of the Confederation.
- The Ordinary Congress shall be convened by decision of the General Council once every 5 years. The General Council shall draw up the agenda of the Congress at least three months before the date of the Congress.
- The Congress shall be deliberative in the presence of at least two-thirds of the delegates having the mandate of the majority of the member organizations entitled to vote.
- The Congress shall adopt resolutions by open vote by a simple majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise expressly provided in the Articles of Association.
- Delegates to the Congress shall be elected by the authorized elective bodies of the member organizations on the basis of the number of trade union members and the amount of subscriptions paid to the Confederation between Congresses, in accordance with the rules laid down by decision of the General Council. Ex officio delegates to the Congress are the President, the Vice-Presidents and the Chairman of the Censors’ Commission of the Confederation.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2), in the event of a justifiable impediment which makes it impossible to hold a meeting of the Congress, the Congress shall be convened within a maximum of 60 days from the date of removal of the impediment. In this case, the validity of the mandates of the President and Vice-Presidents of the CNSM (National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova) and of the delegates to the Congress shall be extended until the next meeting of the Congress.
The Congress:
- approves its own Rules of Organization and Functioning, the agenda and the procedure for the work of the Congress;
- examines the activity report of the General Council and determines the strategy and action programme of the Confederation;
- adopts and amends the Articles of Association by at least 2/3 of the votes of the delegates present;
- elects and dismisses the President and the Vice-Presidents of the Confederation;
- elects and dismisses the chairman and members of the Board of Auditors, and examines the report of its activity;
- decides, by secret ballot, by a majority of at least 2/3 of the votes cast, on the reorganization of the Confederation;
- delegates to the General Council such powers as it deems necessary.
The Departments
The Department of Organization, Education and Information of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova is in charge of promoting the principles of trade Union movement, monitoring the observance of the CNSM Statute, fulfilling the decisions and Resolutions of Congresses, conferences, meetings of the General Council and the Confederal Committee; planning and coordination of joint actions of the General Council, the Confederal Committee, and the National-Branch Trade Union Centres on organizational, educational and information activity; record of trade Union statistics; coordinating of the work of the Women’s Commission, the Youth Commission, organization and training activities of the trade Union asset.
- Head of Department: Elena ANTON
- Tel.: 022-26-65-05
- E-mail:
The Department of Social and Economic Protection of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova carries out the expertise of draft laws and other normative acts on economic and social issues and submits proposals and objections to the central public administration bodies; takes part, as appropriate, in the parliamentary and governmental commissions in the examination of draft legislative acts related to the economic and social rights of the population; collaborates with social partners and other institutions and organizations in the country in matters related to the social and economic protection of employees; analyzes the main indicators describing the economic and social situation of the country, including in the field of salary, development of social dialogue, study of the living standards of the population, the situation on the labor market and submits proposals in this respect; examines petitions; provides training and practical support.
- Head of the Department: Polina FISTICANU
- Tel.: 022-26-65-68
- E-mail:
The Legal Department of National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova is responsible for representing and defending the professional, economic and social rights and interests of trade union members in public authorities of all levels, including public associations, their employer and its associations. It also analyses current and future legal issues concerning the interests of trade union members and monitors cases of violation of trade union rights.
The Department provides assistance to the trade union members on issues arising from employment relationship disagreements, and the examination of petitions; It also offers guidance to the trade union bodies on the correct application of labour law and trade union legislation, carries out cases of examination and resolution of individual disputes and collective conflicts, and participates in the legal training of trade union members.
- Head of department: Eugeniu COVRIG
- Tel.: 022-26-65-14
- E-mail:
The Department of Finance, Accounting and Social Insurance of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova ensures the accounting of the CNSM, manages the patrimony and the trade Union budget, distributes and keeps track of tickets for the balneo-sanatorium treatment of trade union members and for the summer holiday rest of the children of trade union members.
- Head of Department: Maia LEVIȚCHI
- Tel.: 022-26-65-13
- E-mail:
The Department of International Relations, Media and Information Technologies of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova ensures the development and dissemination of information materials on the activities of the CNSM and branch trade unions, establishes partnerships and mutually beneficial relations with representative media institutions, develops communication with the public; initiates, develops and strengthens collaborative relationships with international trade union organizations and other external partners.
- Head of Department: Valeriu CAZACU
- Tel.: 022-26-65-09
- E-mail:
The Department of Human Resources, Secretariat and Protocol of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova performs the following functions: contributes to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the CNSM by promoting and implementing an efficient management of human resources within the CNSM administration; prepares organizational documents; organizes secretarial operations and the archive warehouse; implements the information systems regarding the management of documents, petitions, and human resources.
- Head of Department: Elena CONŢESCU
- Tel.: 022-26-65-08 / 022-23-73-04
- E-mail:
The Department of Trade Union Heritage Administration, Technical Services and Exploitation of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova ensures the management and modernization of the trade union patrimony, which includes spa-sanatorium institutions and children’s rest camps, and buildings owned by the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova.
- Head of Department: Dorin COJOCARU
- Tel.: 022-26-65-35
- E-mail:
The Labour Inspectorate of Trade Unions exercises control over the observance of labor legislation and other labor regulations in enterprises, institutions and organizations with any type of property and legal form of organization where trade union organizations operate.
The labour inspectors of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova provide free consultation in the field of occupational safety and health and labor relations, which relate to violations of labor rights of workers and trade union members, working conditions, and collective and individual labor conflicts.
- Contact details of IMS inspectors
- Head of Labor Inspectorate of Trade Unions
- Tel.: 022-26-65-64
Structures of the CNSM
The Audit Committee is the control body of the economic and financial activity of the Confederation and is independent in its activity. The Committee of Censors shall operate in accordance with the Regulations approved by the General Council.
The Commission shall report on its work to the Congress and shall inform the General Council and the Confederal Committee of the results of the checks carried out.
- President: Iurie POJOGA
- E-mail:
The Women’s Commission is a structure of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, which aims to protect the professional, economic and social rights of women members of the trade Union by: monitoring the compliance with the legislation in force aimed at protecting the social and labor rights of women; active participation in the implementation of trade union policies; collaboration with state structures and civil society, by combining efforts, in order to strengthen the environment conducive to democratic change to build a society with equal rights and opportunities for women and men.
Download the flyer here.
The nominal composition of the CNSM Women’s Commission here.
- President: Angela OTEAN
- E-mail:
The Youth Commission of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova performs the following duties: implementing the youth policy of the CNSM, strengthening the action unit of young trade unionists in order to protect the rights and interests of young trade union members; the elaboration and submission of proposals for improving the legislative and normative framework in the field of youth activity; organization of information activities on the actions of the CNSM and creating the positive image of trade unions; participation in the union education process of young people and their involvement in the trade union movement; multilateral cooperation with similar youth organizations at national and international levels.
Download the flyer here.
The nominal composition of the CNSM Youth Commission here.
- President: Emilian GLAVAN
- E-mail: emilglavan1@gmail.
The Educational Council monitors the development of trade union education system and submits proposals to the decision-making bodies of the CNSM to improve the trade Union educational activity and its regulatory framework, contributes to the implementation of the concept of trade union education of the CNSM, the CNSM Strategy, and other regulatory acts in the trade union education field.
The nominal composition of the NCMO Educational Council here.
The CNSM representatives in the territory represent the interests of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova in the administrative-territorial units of level II. The CNSM representatives in the territory also work with the presidents of the territorial trade union structures of the CNSM member organizations, as well as with the leaders of the grassroots trade union organizations in the territory, in order to promote the fundamental principles of trade unions, including social partnership, in the light of the norms of international law, national legislation and the CNSM Statute. The CNSM representatives in the territory contribute to the promotion and development of dialogue and social partnership in the territorry; participate in the organization and conduct of meetings, discussions of the CNSM leadership with the trade union asset in the territory and the representatives of social partners, as well as in training, with the support of the CNSM trade union personnel and activity in the territory (seminars, round tables, workshops, etc.); inform the trade union leaders in the territory about the achievements of the CNSM at national level.