The Women’s Commission of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) held a meeting on 15 January 2025, to sum up the activities carried out during the past year, and set a number of objectives for 2025, aimed at contributing to the solution of social and economic problems faced by the employees, union members, in different branches of the national economy.

Present at the activity, the CNSM President Igor Zubcu praised the efforts of women trade unionists and the results of their work within the Commission. At the beginning of the new year, the trade union leader wished women trade unionists a year of new achievements in the field of gender equality, a year of social peace, promotion and protection of the rights of women employees, and assured that the Confederation will continue to provide all necessary support for the development of women trade unionists’ initiatives.

The President of the CNSM urged women trade unionists to continue to be active and to participate in the realization of trade union policies in order to contribute together to the creation of a society with equal rights and opportunities for women and men. Igor Zubcu spoke during the activity about the organization on March 28, 2025 of the National Trade Union Forum entitled “Social Synergy”, an initiative that is in the draft stage and is to be considered by the Confederal Committee of CNSM in the near future, which will bring together leaders of grassroots trade union organizations from all over the country and guests from abroad, emphasizing the important role of women trade unionists in the holding of this large-scale event.

Angela Otean, chair of the CNSM Women’s Committee, reported on the achievements of the CNSM Women’s Committee for 2024 and highlighted the key events that marked the work of the trade union structure over the past year. In her speech, Angela Otean referred to the involvement of women trade unionists in the promotion and implementation of ILO Convention No. 190 on the elimination of violence and harassment at work, including through information activities organized at the territorial level with the support of the International Labour Organization.

The Chairperson of the Women’s Commission of the CNSM specified that in 2024 the Commission’s agenda of topics and priorities focused on the following issues: initiatives to increase gender equality and social equity, promotion of women and family-friendly policies, ensuring equal pay for work of equal value, promoting the views of women trade unionists on various platforms on the need to increase women’s social-economic protection, promoting gender equality and combating violence against women.

Angela Otean, Chair of the CNSM Women’s Commission, also presented the Commission’s activity plan for the current year, which was approved at today’s meeting. It provides, among other things, the implementation of the information campaign “Informed women – protected generations”, the intensification of collaboration with the Platform of Women Deputies of the 13th Parliament, the organization of activities dedicated to the promotion of women’s health, the development of skills and abilities of rural women, the fight against gender violence, the organization of the forum of the Women’s Commission of the CNSM “Solidarity in promoting gender equality”.

During the meeting, Margareta Strestian, president, Federation of Trade Unions of Workers in the Chemical Industry and Energy Resources of the Republic of Moldova, Elizaveta Iurcu, president, Federation of Trade Unions in Communications of the Republic of Moldova, Valeria Tricolici, president, Federation of Trade Unions in the Fields of Consumer’s Cooperative, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Moldova “Moldsindindcoopcomerț”, Victoria Niță, President, Trade Union Federation “Sindenergo” of Energy Workers of the Republic of Moldova, shared success stories in trade union activity and communicated about the initiatives promoted at branch level.

Also, during the meeting, in dialogue with women trade unionists, Elena Anton, Head of the Organization, Education and Information Department of CNSM, national trainer, communicated on topics related to personal development, strengthening the competences and skills of women trade unionists.

On January 16, women trade unionists will continue discussions to determine the next steps in the realization of this year’s plan of the CNSM Women’s Commission.

As a reference, the Women’s Commission is a structure of the CNSM which aims to protect the professional, economic and social rights of women trade union members.